Sunday morning. Sun is shining, 21 degrees. A half inch of snow frozen on my car.

I decide I want to go to the bread place in WooStah for coffee and bring home a country bread for dinner.

I get there, Walk down the long hall. They changed their hours. Not open until 10; it's 9.


I go to a different place not too far away. A local media source describe it as a "hipster joint."


I get my coffee and a cinnamon roll. Then I go to the accessories island to get my cream and sweetener.

I see one little cubby there with zillions of these bright orange thingies in it. Label says "Lid Stoppers."

So I took one and got a table.

The roll was so sticky, it was like that scene from "Christmas Vacation." My fingers were sticking to everything.


What do I do with this Lid Stoppah? I know...

You put it into the lid of your coffee and it means "I'm single and available."


I'm waiting for some hot chix to come over and hit on me.

No Dice.

A couple guys looked at me. This is not working!

Put that all away and take out my iPad and keyboard.

Put new batteries into the keyboard. It won't work.

The email won't work and Facebook won't work.

About this time, a couple guys come in and set up audio equipment like 2 inches away from my table.

Amps, speakers, instruments...

A jazz combo is setting up right next to me; 2 inches from my table.

Gee, this morning is going great; so far!


I took the Lid Stoppah with me and drove back home.